Fran Mateos is an architect by the Technical School of Architecture of Madrid since 2011. He is currently art director at drama.
Fran's professional life changes when, a couple of years before finishing his degree, he joins the León 11 architects' collective. After collaborating with them in a competition for Aurora Herrera, an enormous complicity arises that ends with his almost immediate incorporation into the group of architects.
Once he had finished his degree, Fran began to collaborate occasionally with Poliedro Estudio and Manufacturas, two computer graphics studios that operated within the collective itself. At first he helped to put people into the photomontages, but gradually he took on responsibility and began to create images full of his own personality.
Despite the fact that the workflow of his colleagues was strongly marked by the 3dMax environment, Fran remained very firm in his idea of using Rhinoceros, convinced of the enormous growth potential of this program. This led him to work more and more independently until 2015, when he decided to set up his own studio.
Since then he has combined his teaching work in his own academy and different centres (Coam, IED, ETSAM, UFV...) with the development of images for more and more important clients.
The incorporation of Eloy Noriega first and Pablo Jiménez a couple of years later, made him consider the importance of the team essential and he began to look for a name for his studio. After discarding several ideas, he decided to call his studio drama. A clear example of how he has lived the profession for more than ten years.
First under his own firm and currently under the name drama, Fran has made images for some of the most important studios in the world such as Nieto Sobejano, Foster & Partners or Unstudio.