Our philosophy

Drama is a small visualization studio. We are architects and only hire architects.
If we have any value, we prefer to show it through our work.

Picture of Images


Unbuilt architecture high-end images

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Competition Images

These images require much greater talent and responsiveness. They are usually developed in short timescales with a certain ambiguity in terms of materials and finishes. In contrast, clients expect a realistic and exciting result from us. From this tension came the name drama. We are very used to these processes and having participated in over two hundred competitions to date, will contribute to your (and our) peace of mind.

Real Estate Images

When we make images for Real Estate we try to manage longer lead times. The main reason is that more care has to be put into every detail and piece of furniture. They are images that require a more extensive briefing and generally, unless otherwise requested, more work from the client beforehand.

Pseudo-physical Model Images

We are big fans of real models, but if you can't afford the cost, we can reproduce their effect with rendered images.

Picture of Creative Strategy

Creative Strategy

We can support you with the design process

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Parametric Design

As a complement to the images, we can help you to materialise design elements such as façades or urban planning. In drama, all members are architects with several years of experience in competition processes and we like to develop grasshopper applications that facilitate decision making until the last moment.


By having a 3D model of your building, we can obtain a lot of documentation from it. From axonometric perspectives to any kind of section. We just need you to indicate the colour schemes and the type of drawing you like and we will send you the information you need along with the images.

Picture of Web and branding

Web and branding

Everything you need to reach your audience

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We have recently completed our range of services with the development of websites and user experience design. This website you are looking at is an example of how we like to organise and represent information: living websites easy to update.


For us, branding is the process of giving a meaning to your building by creating and shaping the brand in consumers’ minds. We will design as strategy to help people to quickly identify and experience your building, and give them a reason to choose it.

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Animation or Motion Graphics to explain your project

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Drama es un estudio de visualización arquitectónica. Vivimos en el lugar donde nacen los proyectos. A medio camino entre la ensoñación y la materia. 
Trabajamos para permanecer en la memoria y aspiramos, cuando la arquitectura se abre paso, a ser olvidados.

Drama es un estudio de visualización arquitectónica. Vivimos en el lugar donde nacen los proyectos. A medio camino entre la ensoñación y la materia. 
Trabajamos para permanecer en la memoria y aspiramos, cuando la arquitectura se abre paso, a ser olvidados.